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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Talented Tuesday - 4WitsEnd

I would like you to meet R.A. and her Etsy shop:  4WitsEnd

If you like beautiful handpainted artwork and so much more.... Then you will love the items at 4WitsEnd.

Let's get to know 4WitsEnd and R.A.:

What would you like us to know about you?
Well, I've been a stay at home mom forever and self-taught artist. I originally was a 'hobby-ist" writer (club newsletters, website pre-blogs, etc) and dabbled with paints. As time went on,  I found  I loved the creativity of turning the stories in my head into painted images, rather than words, more and more. I love the creative process!

Secondly, I really enjoy the challenge of trying to get the picture in my head onto canvas (not that  I'm all that successful at it, but  I love to try! Besides, some amazing things come out in the process, totally unexpected turns!)

And, third,  I always say painting is my vacation. My mini-mental vacation.

Raising 4 children and running the household painting became more and more a place to get lost in that satisfied the craving to create and the never-ending joy of learning. I used to get that same satisfaction with gardening, but as my parents became elderly and in ill-health, my gardening went by the wayside as  I have become the primary care-giver for their needs. I can't really garden at 1am, but  I sure can paint then!!
What prompted you to open an Etsy Shop?
Well I've been a seller on eBay for about 15 years or so, but eBay, I felt, became flooded with fewer and fewer quality hand-made items (as it had in it's early days) and more and more mass produced items, in the past year or so I've tried to make more of a commitment to my Etsy shop.

I never failed to be astounded at the talent on Etsy., and feel it is an honor to have my paintings on a site that settles for nothing less than quality, creativity, originality.

I find Etsy buyers as well to have a broader range of interests and styles, to be looking for the unusual, the unique. It is a delight to strive to meet the standards of fellow Etsy sellers and buyers.

How did you come up with your shop name?
Years ago, when I started gardening at this house, we enclosed an area for private gardens. I love it so. It's cozy and filled with high walls and vines and over grown shrubs and birds of all kinds. I named my garden "Wits-End" own place to escape to all by myself when i was at my wits-end because surely no one in my family wanted to dig in the dirt with me!  My garden seemed to need more and more: a concrete statue here, a new shrub there. So, I started selling my art in order to fund my garden, hence the store name: 4 Wits-End!
How would you describe your shop?
Art for the Romantic Heart!

For the young at heart, for those who smile at a bit of whimsy. Art, that I hope, touches someone's heart and speaks to the soul, that might revive a fond memory, and always, always brings a little smile.

What inspires you?
Oh my!!! Everything!!! Every thing inspires!
The creative reach of the remarkable sellers on Etsy; the antics of birds outside my window; memories of my Mom; seeing the world through the eyes of my 2 year old Granddaughter. The changing of the seasons, the joys of family and holidays, a beautiful tree, the smell of the seaside. Everywhere I look, everything we feel inspires me.
There will never be enough hours to get one zillionth of what inspires me down on canvas!

Which item in your shop is your favorite to make/find?
goodness..that is like asking a mother which child is her favorite!! I love them all. I wouldn't offer up for sale any painting I don't favor!

If you were shipwrecked on a desert island, what are the 3 crafty must haves?
Must have paint! And brushes (I CAN finger-paint, but I'd prefer brushes). And an endless supply of canvases!!! (of varying sizes, please!) 

Where else can we find you?
well, if I'm not here on Etsy, then you can find me on Pinterest! I'm afraid my blog is woefully out of date.
Other than that, you'll find me at my table, painting!! (rarely you'll find me at the washer and dryer, much to the dismay of my family)

Is there anything else you would like to share?
Well, would it surprise you to know that I don't have any of my own art in my home???! I either sell it or gift it....tho I admit to having a hard time of letting go of many of my pieces.

Well, I do still have that 15 year old "Wits-End" garden sign that I painted...nailed up on the tall white gate that goes to my garden.


Thanks so much R.A.  It has been great getting to know you and discovering your shop and your lovely items.

Now please show R.A. some support and let us know which of her pieces are your favorite from her shop! Oh...and go ahead and heart a few of her items along with her shop :)

Have a great weekend!

knitting yarns

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your work is so beautiful! I especially like your "Choose Joy" sign. Keep up the good work!


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