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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Whoo Hoo - I'm got Treasured!

 I got picked to be in 2 make that 3 Treasuries today.  I got so excited that I thought I would share with you!  I hope you are all having a great weekend!  I am.  Michael is home today, and I am so happy that I am willingly watching old movies with him...

(All treasuries and items within the treasuries are clickable.)

My Wine - Hand Spun Yarn (4th row, last item) was featured in this Treasury 
by Audrey Bouvier from audreybouvier 

My My Camo - Combed Top (2nd row, 4th item) was featured in this Treasury 
by Loretta from ThoughtfulGemsCrafts 

My DPN Sock Cozy - Cocoa Dogs (1st row, 4th item) was featured in this Treasury 
by Deborah Jordan Sackett from skyspirit8studios 

knitting yarns

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